Brisiliense muffins (Bolo de Milho).
Bolo de Milho, or Brazilian chocolate muffins, are a traditional and beloved treat in Brazilian cuisine.
The moist texture, sweet flavor, and comforting taste of the macaroni are the defining characteristics of these muffins.
These muffins au maïs are perfect for breakfast, a mid-afternoon snack, or dessert. They are easy to make and always a hit.
frapper. Découvrez how préparer ces friandises délicieuses qui ajouteront un goût brésilien à votre plat.
Key ingredients:
Two tablespoons of whole or partially dried maize grains
Milk: 1 tablespoon.
Coco milk: 1 tablespoon
Sugar, granulated: 1 tablespoon
Half a teaspoon of vegetable oil
Measure 1 tablespoon of finely powdered milk.
Use 1 tablespoon of farine.
Chemical recipe: 1 soup spoon
Half a cup of coffee and salt
Fruits: three large
One tablespoon of functional chocolate for added texture and flavor.
Beauregard: for grating the muffins
Get the four hot.
Turn your oven on to 350°F (175°C) before baking. Cooking muffins on a skillet or piping muffins into paper cups.
Whisk together the wet ingredients
Mash the grains of maize with the milk, coconut milk, sugar, vegetable oil, and eggs in a whisk. Mix until it passes through
The mixture is frothy and oozing.
Whisk together the dry ingredients.
Combine the cornmeal, all-purpose flour, chemical release, and salt in a large mixing bowl. Si
Mix in the chopped coconut using a mortar and pestle.
Mix the ingredients:
Place the mixed corn mixture in the bowl with the dry ingredients. Gently press down with a spatula until
perfectly blended. Les muffins restent légers et moelleux, donc attention à ne pas mélanger trop.
Put the muffin mix into practice:
Fill up each measuring cup two-thirds of the way to the top with the dough, then roll it in the prepared muffin mix. It will provide the
Les muffins sont assez légers.
Gather the muffins:
Pour un cure-dent dans le center d'un muffin et cuire au four préchauffé pendant 20 à 25 minutes.
au ressort propre et au doré brun sur le devant.
Refree and serve:
Allow the muffins to cool in the pan for about 10 minutes before placing them on a grill to cook.
Allow to cool completely.
It is best served hot or at room temperature. These muffins are delicious on their own or paired with a dollop of
more fat for richness.
Advice for well baked muffins using Bresiliense butter:
If you are using fresh milk, remove the psyllium seeds and mix as directed. La maïs fraîche
their flavor is milder and more vivid.
Changes in texture: to make it thicker, mix less of the corn mixture to retain a little whole corn.
pieces in the dough.
Degré de douceur: Modifiez la quantité de sucre selon vos goûts. The Dutch muffins with milk are
often on the sweeter side.
La conservation: Maintenir les muffins en conserveur à température ambiente pendant trois jours au minimum.
Un autre moyen de les conserver serait de les congeler.
Optimal nutrition:
A good source of fiber, vitamins (especially B vitamins), and minerals (magnesium, iron, calcium, etc.).
the mineral potassium.
Offre des antioxydants qui protègent le corps des oxydants libres.
Milk of cocoa:
Aboundant in heart-healthy healthy fats that provide energy.
Includes minerals including iron, selenium, salt, and calcium in addition to vitamins C and E and other B vitamins.
phosphorus and magnesium.
The Œufs
Contains high-quality proteins and is abundant in essential nutrients, such as choline, which supports brain function.
In summary
As a delicious and easy-to-prepare friandise that brings a touch of Brazilian culture, muffins brésiliens au maïs sont une bonne option.
the kitchen. Their creamy and sugary texture and deep marsh flavor make them a favorite anytime.
every day. Enjoy the one-of-a-kind flavor of freshly baked muffins with loved ones and friends.
This Brazilian dessert is delicious. The pastry is delicious!